When someone likes the book I pressured them to read.
Umm, so I guess I'm going to play around with this BookLikes thing.
You can check out my actual blog (with alllllll the book reviews!) at Sarah Says Read.
BookLikes Giveaways are officially open. Now you can not only shelve and review books on BookLikes, you can actually share and give them away!
So if you have some books to spare, want to promote and popularize you book, give a book a second reading life, now you can :-)
BookLikes Giveaways are simple. You can take part in them and win a book totally for free as well as create your Giveaways and give away your books. All Giveawys are visible on BookLikes Giveaways page where you can look them through, sort them by those who started them: by all BookLikes members and by Authors (we’re extremely happy that BookLikes authors introduce this new feature with us) and enter to win a book. All book formats are available, including ebooks and audiobooks.
The entrance to Giveaways is on Dashboard in right column - soon will be moving it on the upper tool bar so stay tuned.
Please take notice at Giveaway's information, like book language, format and country it is available for before requesting one to make sure you can enter.
To create and start your Giveaway go to Giveaways page and click “Create your giveaway”. Fill up the form, add book information and to which countries you can send it and then publish online. Your Giveaway will be visible from start date and when it reaches finish date, you’ll get information who has entered to win it and who the winner is (or you can pick the winner by yourself) along with postal information - so make sure to provide correct shipment address once you enter to win a book. Otherwise the book will not find its way to new owner.
Note that it is the person who creates the Giveaway who is responsible for shipping the book and delivery costs. If its ebook or audiobook you'll receive winner's email to send him/her instruction how to collect given book (it depends on the Giveaway's author, e.g with use of free code, via mail).
Today's New BookLikes Giveaway Feature is Open along with BookLikes Authors who offer their book Giveaways. We would like to thank all authors for your engagement and involvement in this book lovers' event and new BookLikes feature launch. Thank you :)
And now let's find great books or start your Giveaway right away.
Here are book Giveaways by BookLikes Authors (click on the book title to go to single Giveaway page and enter to win):
- Claire O'Brien giveaways Cordelia Codd: Not Just the Blues.
- Elizabeth Watasin giveaways The Dark Victorian: Risen.
- Lauren B. Davis giveaways Our Daily Bread.
- Libby Hellmann giveaways Havana Lost.
- Rayne Hall giveaways Storm Dancer.
- Suzy Soulé giveaways Unkiss me.
- Gary Corby giveaways Ionia Sanction (paper), Sacred Games (paper) and Sacred Games (ebook).
- Ned Ned Hayes giveaways COEUR D'ALENE WATERS (paper and ebook) and SINFUL FOLK (paper and ebook).
- Krzysztof Adamski giveaways Rubież and Maski (in Polish).
See all Giveaways on Giveawys Page :-)
If you need more information or have any questions, please read Terms & Conditions on Giveaways Page, visit our FAQ site or write to us.
Come join in on the discussion about what it means to be "well-read" and what you think of BookRiot's list of 100 books that suit their definition of it.
It's why my purse is so giant - so I can carry 2+ books at once :)
Here's the link to my review of Rebecca :)
Come check it out!
"Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again..."
I love book lists, and here someone has compiled a master list from 43 different 'best of' sources.
I think it's a couple of years old, but full of great classic titles..
Check out all the books I read in May, with teeny-tiny flash reviews for each one.
It was a good month :)